Why core values matter to realize your science communication goals

Core values are fundamental beliefs that guide our actions and decisions. By aligning your science communication projects with your core values, you ensure your message stays authentic and resonates with your audience, enhancing credibility and impact. SciComm Society emphasizes values such as belonging, clarity, empowerment, self-expression and joy to improve lives and social bonds through effective science communication.

You probably know this: When embarking on a new adventure, like a new hobby, experiment or project, we are highly energised by an inner motivation. A drive that we struggle to put into words. We just act according to this inner drive without thinking about WHY we’re so motivated and engaged.

However, for us to stay on course with our new goal or project, it is only helpful to understand this inner motivation. By being clear about what drives our passion, we make sure that this new project allows us to remain authentic and true to ourselves.

One way of putting this inner drive or motivation into words is by using the concept of core values. Core values are those fundamental beliefs that shape all our actions and decisions.

So, when embarking on a science communication journey, you bring with you not just knowledge and expertise, but also your core values. And acting according to your core values will decide the fate of your science communication project.

Just as SciComm Society is profoundly driven by its core values, I believe your science communication project (or any project really) can only prosper if you add your core values. Here, we will look at how to leverage your core values to become an excellent science communicator and have an impact with your science.

Why should you care about your core values?

Core values are those deeply ingrained principles that guide all our behaviour and decision-making. They are the standards we use to determine what is right and wrong and they influence how we interact with others.

They are these essential values by which you measure your life, especially when those values are diminished, denied or removed. Since we’re generally unwilling to compromise on our core values, decisions based on them – whether we’re aware of it or not – shape our personal and professional lives.

When people are true to their core values personally and professionally, they remain true to themselves. The World Health Organization (WHO) even emphasized the importance of core values in global health, placing them at the centre of a person’s inner health and a healthy workplace. So, understanding your core values will help you act and communicate more authentically and reach your goals with your science communication project.

Applying your core values to your science communication project

To discover your core values, true and honest introspection and reflection are key. While tools, frameworks and resources exist to help you identify your core values, these questions helped me identify my personal core values:

  • In which situations were you happiest?
  • In which situations were you most unhappy? What was missing at that moment but fully present during your happiest moment?
  • What do you wish for everyone to have in their life?
  • What would make this world a better place?

Once you figured out what truly matters to you, take the next step and apply your core values to your science communication project. For this, it is a good start to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Why do you want someone to learn about a scientific topic?
  • What do you want them to do with the knowledge they acquire from you?
  • How do you think your science communication project will improve their lives?
  • Do you expect them to change their behaviour? If so, how?
  • What is going to change for you if they adapt their behaviour based on your science communication project?
  • How will it make you feel if they do not change anything?

Now that you better understand your motivation for your science communication project, it is time to act. Adapting your science communication activities and aligning them with your core values will get you the results you wish for. This will ensure that your message remains authentic and resonates with your audience, which in turn will enhance the credibility and effectiveness of your communication.

The core values at SciComm Society

Reflecting on these questions together with understanding my core values has profoundly influenced my science communication projects. Hence, when starting SciComm Society, Justine and I decided to bring both our core values into the project. We were convinced that our core values are key for people to improve their lives based on engaging and effective science communication.

The core values at SciComm Society are Belonging, Clarity, Empowerment, Self-Expressiond and Joy.

That’s why we put these core values at the heart of SciComm Society’s mission and efforts. Understanding how we live and breathe SciComm Society’s core values will hopefully give you some ideas about how you can leverage yours for your project.

  • Belonging & Inclusion

When people comprehend complex and life-changing scientific concepts, they are left in a state of awe. This emotion triggers a feeling of belonging and connection, to themselves, a higher cause or to others.

Hence, when communicating scientific knowledge clearly and helping our audience learn, we trigger feelings of inclusion and trust. These in turn lead to stronger social bonds and communities.

  • Clarity & Simplicity

To understand scientific concepts, they need to be communicated clearly and straightforward. For this, the science communicator has to take into account the scientific background and understanding of the recipient.

A clear and simple communication strategy is the basis for learning, which helps the recipient feel appreciated and respected. This in turn builds trust, belonging and inclusion.

  • Empowerment & Freedom

By helping our audience comprehend science, we empower them with knowledge. Based on this knowledge, people can make better decisions for themselves, their health and the environment, which in turn improves society.

As we’re communicating our scientific knowledge to an audience, we give them the freedom to make well-informed life choices to advance the lives of themselves and those around them.

  • Self-expression

As scientists, we are expressing ourselves about one of our most passionate topics: our research. This may make us feel vulnerable as we’re showing our true selves.

However, by sharing knowledge, ideas and concepts you are completely convinced of, you not only get them to learn. You also build trust and empathy leading to more connection and belonging in your audience.

  • Joy & Wonder

SciComm Society wishes for everyone to live an easy, fun and joyful life, full of pleasure and beauty. This includes enjoying what we have as well as the big and small wonders of our world. And often these wonders have scientific explanations.

As a science communicator, it is up to you to shine a light on scientific wonders so your audience appreciates our wondrous world. You help them comprehend both scientific knowledge and the beauty of our world making their life more joyful and pleasant.

Become a great science communicator based on your core values

SciComm Society’s core values are all centred around communication, which I see as a tool to both express and realise those core values. SciComm Society’s mission is to help you communicate your knowledge, ideas, and thoughts effectively and clearly so that your audience can learn about science.

With this, your audience gains empowerment, freedom, clarity, belonging and wonder, which in turn improve their lives, health and social bonds. Hence, a values-driven approach to communication will support your science communication project, enhance your credibility and build trust.

By staying true to your core values, you can create a meaningful and impactful science communication strategy that resonates with your audience. Embrace your core values and let them guide you on your SciComm Journey.

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