Get our new guide to learn how to master storytelling for impactful science communication.

SciComm Society Guides and Courses

⭐️ Guides and Courses to Lay Your SciComm Foundations

Our free how to make an impact email course

Do you want to get started in science communication and reach a new audience other than your peers? Use this free email course to share your research in new ways.

The guide on how to talk to your target audience

Do you want your audience to understand and engage with your science? Are you struggling with finding the right words for them? Let us help you with this guide!

Mockup of the science of storytelling guide from scicomm society

The guide on using storytelling in science communication

Do you want to tell an engaging story about your research? Get this guide to learn the steps to create an engaging science story that will wow your audience.

Find more useful resources for General Science Communication

⭐️⭐️ Advance Your SciComm with Our 1-on-1 Coaching and Guide

Book your science communication coaching call with SciComm Society.

Unlock Your Science Communication Potential with One-on-One Coaching

Do you want to up your science communication game but don’t know how? Book your personalised science communication coaching with our experts.

The guide to effectively write about science

Are you struggling to find the right words to write about your research? Follow our ten practical tips to improve your science writing skills for any audience.

Find more useful resources for Advanced Science Communication

⭐️⭐️⭐️ Transition into a SciComm Career with Our Webinar

Our webinar "Transition Into Science Communication & Writing From Academia"

Do you want to get started in science communication and science writing and steer your career towards this exciting field? Follow our webinar for your first steps in this process and have your questions answered.

Find more useful resources for Careers in Science Communication